Friday, June 22, 2012

Messes of the Heart

Jeremiah 17:9-10 (Message)

The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful,
a puzzle that no one can figure out.
But I, God, search the heart
and examine the mind.
I get to the heart of the human.
I get to the root of things.
I treat them as they really are,
not as they pretend to be.

Think for a moment about all the things that go on in your heart everyday, and what they were caused by. Now things about how often you've been able to actually figure out the matters of your heart and untangle the mess within you. All of us have had some sort of mess in our hearts at one point in our lives, and many of us are still trying to figure out that mess within us. The truth of the matter is that we were never designed to untangle the mess ourselves nor will we ever be able to. God is the only one who knows our hearts well enough to untangle the mess inside us that the world has captured us in. Only God can travel to the deepest parts of our hearts where our true identities lay hidden behind the mask that we so often put on to hide the mess of our lives. But God loves us enough to see us as He designed us to be, not the mess the world has made us to be or the well crafted mask we all put on. He simply sees us, His beloved children, lost and helpless in a broken world. And God desires for us to accept His love that heals, to be found by our father and to not only be helped, but guided down the right path. We just have to embrace Him in our hearts, and His unfailing love will flood in to create in us a new heart that is lavished in the love of the father.

Open up to God in prayer, and come to Him with unveiled honesty on what is going on in your heart. Talk to Him about what has caused any messes in your heart, and how those messes are affecting you. If you feel God stirring in your heart, come to Him whatever is entangling your heart, and invite Him into your heart to clean out the mess within you. Once you confess the mess, give it to Him and embrace His unfailing, unconditional love, you will find a new heart beating within you, renewed and flooded with the love of your Father.

I pray that your new heart in Christ will empower you greatly throughout today. I hope everyone has a marvelous day!


1 comment:

  1. Love your posts Madelynn! God is really using you in a great way!
