Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sweet Revenge

Romans 12:20-21

On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

We all have or have had at least one person in our lives whom we just couldn't stand, who got under our skin. Whether it be that person who cut you off in traffic or some one who has deeply hurt you in many ways, all of us have had some sort of enemy at one point in our lives. Many of us have that inner instinct to defend ourselves and constantly look out for what's good for us. And this world constantly tells us that revenge is the only way to overcome our oppressors. So when someone becomes our enemy, most of us don't think twice about conjuring some form of revenge. But here in God's word, God calls us to do something that completely goes against what this world trains us to do: Love one another in actions. God died on the cross for even the most hateful and evil human you can imagine. He calls us not to pursue revenge against them, but to reflect God's grace and serve them out of love. It may seem completely crazy to humble yourself before your enemy and actually serve them, but in doing so you are giving them more of a punishment than if you actually pursued revenge against them. When someone is truly against you, to see you acting kindly out of love towards them makes them more angry and distressed than if you were to react the way they expected and give into the anger they're fueling. God knows that you need to be filled and sustained with His good and pure love instead of being overcome of this evil that the world sugar-codes and feeds you. God has given us the power to overcome evil with His powerful love that produces good. It's up to us whether we pursue that love or the revenge that ruins us.

Think about that one person in your life whom you strongly dislike, someone you desire to pursue revenge against. Talk to God about it, and be honest with Him. He wants to hear from you and to listen to everything that's on your heart. If you feel God leading you, confess forgiveness against your enemy, surrender your pursuit for revenge, and commit to serving even your enemies. Rest in this moment knowing that a great burden has been lifted off your shoulders, and that you don't have to live in the clutch of revenge and any longer.

I pray that this would give you peace and encouragement today to go out and serve with the love God has filled you with. Hope everyone's day is amazing!


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