Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Set Apart

2 Timothy 2:21
Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.
Everyday we walk through this world and are ambushed by the conformed standards that prove to hold such a gripping presence in our lives. We become weighed down by the darkness and the impurities that slowly creep into our hearts as we are molded and distorted by the world around us. Our hearts become buried beneath the filth that the world drags into our hearts, and as we attempt to push the dirt back further and further, we find we are only piling it higher and higher. It is so easy to be over burdened by the dishonorable things we accumulate throughout our lives, but our impurities are not something we have to be bound to; they are not permanent stains that we are forced to bear the shame of. Our hearts are able to be completely cleaned of every haunting transgression within us through the love filled purpose of Christ as we allow Him into our lives. Once we accept Christ into our hearts and bring to Him every burden of sin, He purifies us and fills us with His presence. As we are overflowing with the greatness of Christ at work within us, we become not of this world and are set apart through the purpose God has destined for each of us. Opening our hearts to God allows Him to use us in powerful ways for His good and perfect purpose. All we have to do is daily humble ourselves to His purpose that sets us apart and embrace God's love at work within us that is purifying us and guiding us down the straight paths He has set before us.
Open up to God about anything in your heart that is causing you feel guilty and burdened. As hard as it may seem, be completely open and honest with Him, for He so desires to hear from you, His child that He loves. If you feel God leading you, invite Him to come into your heart, purify you and set you apart for His incredible purpose in life. Take comfort in knowing that you no longer have to be chained to your mistakes but rather you can embrace the freedom that is found in the grace of God.
I pray that this empowers you today as a new creation in Christ, set apart for an amazing purpose. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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