Monday, December 31, 2012

The New Has Come

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone the new has come!

As I reflect on all that has happened in this year of 2012, so many emotions fill me, but I am overwhelmed by a sense of victory. So much happened in 2012, much to rejoice over and much to mourn over. In the hardships I endured, I discovered a darkness I never knew existed, and for quite a while, it consumed me. I was broken, beaten down and shaken to the core. And my prayer was that God would restore me. And He has. He has taken my old, broken, beaten down self and renewed my spirit into a new and wonderfully restored creation of His. For that I am grateful beyond words. I look back and marvel at how my Father bent down and picked up the shattered pieces of His daughter's heart that were strewn across the threshing floor. And I rejoice because a victory was won over the darkness that threatened me this year. My Father entered the heart He restored and fought against the war that was waged against my soul, the war that my flesh was too weak to fight on its own. And He was and still is everyday victorious. I could look back on this year and say that it was a horrible year because of everything that hit me. But I can confidently say that this year was truly an amazing year all because my Father reigned victorious in every battle, because He healed all my battle scars and made me a new creation set apart for His purpose. For that I rejoice because I have found worth in the restoring love of the Father. And I rejoice because everything I went through this year brought me to that place of restoration, of renewal and of peace in my Father's perfect purpose.

I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on everything you've gone through this year, good and bad. Bring whatever darkness that is still weighing on your heart to God, and open up your heart to Him. Be honest with Him about the battles you're fighting, for He longs to hear from you, His precious child that He created. If you feel God's spirit pressing on your heart in this moment, invite Him into your heart and ask Him to restore you, to renew you into a new creation set apart for His purpose, and to fight all the battles that your flesh cannot handle, for He will reign victorious. Let your soul be overwhelmed in the satisfaction of this moment, and rejoice, dear child, for the new has come!

Let this message of restoration in Christ be embedded in your heart throughout 2013. I pray that He uses you in powerful ways this year to bring Him glory and to fulfill His purpose for your life. I hope all of you have a Happy New Year filled with new beginnings and adventures with the Lord!


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