Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Pressure to be Perfect

Psalm 18:30

As for God, his way is perfect:
The Lord’s word is flawless;

he shields all who take refuge in him.

All of us, at some point in our lives, have felt the pressure to be perfect. For me, I felt that pressure the most in middle school. I know for most people, middle school seems like an insignificant season in our lives compared to everything else we encounter later down the road. However, I remember going through most of my middle school years feeling like I was never enough. I wasn't pretty enough. I was smart enough. I wasn't popular enough. And I felt like I was the only one who didn't have a boyfriend.  All this pressure caused me to push my self to satisfy the emptiness within me, because I wanted so desperately to be what the world around me considered "perfect". So many of us experience that same pressure to be perfect in different ways. At school. At work. At home. Or with friends. We've all been there, and we've all tried to fit into what the world considered "perfect". The hard truth is that we are not perfect, nor will we ever be perfect and the more we pressure ourselves to be perfect, the more we come out empty. But here in God's word, we find that God is perfect and He is there for us even though we are far from perfect. Once we run to Him and embrace His love, His ultimate perfection covers over our imperfections as He protects and holds us in His arms. And we know that we can have confidence in His perfection because His word is flawless and unchangeable and will sustain us through all our days.

Open up to God about how you feel the pressure to be perfect in you life, and how it's affecting you. If you feel God leading you, embrace His love and let His perfection cover over all of your imperfections. Live you life knowing that you are being guided by a perfect, unchangeable God who loves you deeply.

I pray that God's flawless word and His perfection resonates with you today. I hope you all have a marvelous day!


1 comment:

  1. Perfection and it's allure is something we all struggle with at some points in our lives. I remember in my middle school years too. I struggle today wanting to be the perfect mother, wife, school administrator, etc. But I remember everyday that God loves me unconditionally, completely, and His grace is sufficient to see me through. We are blessed to have a heavenly father who loves us that much. My prayers are also for my 3 kids that they will know these truths and not succumb to the world's pressure to be perfect, but always see themselves through God's loving eyes. Thank you for sharing this powerful truth.
