Friday, July 20, 2012


James 1:17

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Every day in our lives we are faced with changes, big and small. Whether it be a simple change in clothes, or a dramatic change in your work place, change is something we can't avoid in life. Some of us thrive on change and variety in our lives to keep our attention from day to day. Some of us despise it because it often takes us out of our comfort zone and into a situation we can't control. Change can tear us apart or push us forward in life. In the craziness of all the changes we have to face in life, both good and bad, it's easy to get lost in the chaos of this constantly changing and moving world. While the shifting state of this world creates a shaky, unstable foundation, there is something we can build our lives on that will never shake, never change and never falter: God. He's unlike anything in this world that's constantly conforming. He is God. The great I AM. Unchangeable. Unshakable. Immovable. God. There is no darkness in Him, only light that produces pure and perfect peace. He is good when there is nothing good in us. He is God. And He desires for you to run to Him, recklessly abandoning the changing world around you. He wants to be the strong foundation in your life that you need. And once you base your life on Him, you'll find yourself stable and sustained in the strength of your God.

Talk to God about the changes in your life that you're facing, both good and bad. Open up to Him about how those changes are affecting you, and about any chaos that may be running your life. If you feel God leading you, give your heart to Him and make Him the strong foundation in your life. Ask Him to guide you so that you don't shift to another foundation crafted by this world, but that He we would root you in His unchangeable foundation.

I pray that God's word would give you confidence in God's unshakable foundation throughout your day. I hope everyone has a marvelous day!


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