Tuesday, May 29, 2012

To Die For

Romans 5:6-8 (NIV)

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless,Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Read over this one more time, and really let what the message is saying sink in. Think about people you really and truly love enough to die for. Chances are, you wouldn't lay your life down for just any stranger in the world. Now think about people close to you who you think would give their lives for you. It's a crazy thing to think about because rarely will anyone ever have to lay down their life for someone, but that rare moment came to life on the cross. Even though we are so far from Christ and at times we are lost in our sin, Christ still laid down His life for us. Not because of a good deed we did. Not because of us sitting in Church on a Sunday, or listening to a Christian radio station. Nothing we have ever done has made us deserve the life Christ gave us through His death on the cross. He made that sacrifice for one reason: because of His unconditional, unfailing and undying love for us so that we may have a life free from sin. And once we embrace Jesus' ultimate sacrifice, we find that we are brought to life because of His incredible love for us, and that God enables us to live our lives honoring the cross. 

Open up to God about how you feel about what Christ did for you, and how it affects you. Maybe you don't understand why He did what He did, or maybe you're overjoyed with the new life God offers you through the cross. Whatever is on your heart, bring it to God. If you feel God leading you to do it, allow yourself to embrace the sacrifice Jesus made for you, and give your life to live honoring His love on the cross. Thank God for His sacrifice, and ask Him to guide you that you made live out His love-filled purpose for your life.

I pray that your new life in Christ will empower you throughout today, and that God powerful presence would rest on your heart and give you peace. I hope everyone has an awesome day! 


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